Stanley Fevrier Webmaster

getting started in learning Web Developement

Portfolio Concept

My portfolio would be a collection of fun and unique project that can be informational and/interactive

Cat selector: site discribing different breeds of cats and their characteristics linking to youtube video ( or embeded)

to be continued as more ideas come along

Project Goals

Create and develop websites and apps that solve problems for people. Making their lives easier.

Course Goals

Gain entry to the world of Web Developement. work with a group of individuals that are dedicated to continuasly improve. Create great website and apps that allows people to forget about their day to day and enter a dream world.

I am Stanley Fevrier

me in suit and tie in car


In this section you will learn a bit about me


  • Finance
  • Management
  • Web Developement

My Story

Lorem ipsum dolor amet letterpress readymade distillery selfies, exercitation dreamcatcher keytar pickled shoreditch shabby chic knausgaard sustainable etsy. Cupidatat asymmetrical biodiesel edison bulb forage irure neutra food truck messenger bag esse poke dolore yr. Synth air plant sed, tousled skateboard small batch gluten-free XOXO laboris ethical et typewriter cray humblebrag esse. Eu shabby chic pabst, kickstarter unicorn tumeric tacos PBR&B et bespoke. Irony crucifix kitsch flexitarian ugh, locavore portland kombucha food truck sunt gentrify ullamco aliquip.


Learn More

Since young I’ve always wanted to start my own business. Ecommerce is one of the easier way to start a business. I sold on e-bay and amazon and recently on shopify. My desire to make thing work the way I wanted them to work on shopify inspired me to learn html and css. As I played along with the codes in shopify I realized that I was more and more interested in the coding aspect of the site. Coding is a lot of fun. I enjoy finding new way to create and modify existing websites and apps.
At first I utilized Codecademy and Udemy to learn but along the way I found Careerfoundry and decided to take the plunge and study with a six month goal in mind. Coding is a lot of fun and Is something you can always get better at. The constant change in technology will insure that I will always have something to learn.
I hope to find a role in a company as a Jr Web developer. I’m also open to freelance project that will allow me to show and improve my skills

Contact Info

I am available for Freelance Work
as well as full time employment

Contact me @